Home » Tutorials » Python » Overview


The Python tutorial is constructed to teach you the fundamentals of the Python programming language. Eventually, the Python Tutorial will explain how to construct web applications, but currently, you will learn the basics of Python offline. Python can work on the Server Side (on the server hosting the website) or on your computer.

However, Python is not strictly a web programming language. That is to say, a lot of Python programs are never intended to be used online. In this Python tutorial, we will just cover the fundamentals of Python and not the distinction of the two.

Python works much like the two previous categories, PHP and ColdFusion as they are all server side programming languages. You will see from the Python tutorials that it’s syntax is extremely different than the other two. It is probably the most clean and straightforward language you will ever learn.

Just like the other languages, Python is useful because it can dynamically generate content to provide a more customized user experience. Generally, Python is a great starting language for most people, but to others, it is extremely frustrating (primarily due to spacing issues), which is why I have put the Python Tutorial at the end of the server side languages.

Enough chatter!

We want to learn Python!

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  • Stewart, Suzy. "Overview". After Hours Programming. Accessed on September 19, 2024. https://www.afterhoursprogramming.com/tutorial/python/python-overview/.

  • Stewart, Suzy. "Overview". After Hours Programming, https://www.afterhoursprogramming.com/tutorial/python/python-overview/. Accessed 19 September, 2024.

  • Stewart, Suzy. Overview. After Hours Programming. Retrieved from https://www.afterhoursprogramming.com/tutorial/python/python-overview/.

72 thoughts on “Overview”

  1. I truly wish i had found this website earlier on. I recently completed a class on python from the university of toronto (through coursera.org) but was still pretty confused about things. These tutorials cleared up those issues very quickly. The turorials are well explained and very simple to follow. I’m hooked. This site is my new home page, and i intend to share with everyone i know who wants to program.

  2. Hello all,

    I am starting to learn Python – Introduction module at an academy and I want to sustain my knowledge through this awesome site.
    Hope to find a lot of information well explained.


  3. How to append to a file using python 3. the file look like this:



    How can i make my program to add grade in sandra after name or after last grade?

    any help please

  4. /code print “testing pring without bracket”

    above code works in python simulator where it doesnt in python itself

    print “testing pring without bracket”
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

  5. I Would Like to Suggest that you Make a… Chapter Chooser (Sorry I Dont Know What Its Called) For Example On Phyton You are On The Last Chapter and You Said "Hey! Ill Read it Tommorow!" The Next Day…. You Have To Start on The Introduction Chapter and Keep Clicking The Next Button To Get To the Last Chapter! So Please Create It and It Would Be Very Helpful

  6. To Chen Xu:

    I am also using Mac OS X (10.6). I had no problem starting the IDLE. I did a search from the Finder window to find the actual .app file. I have it in the dock and can access it very easily.

    To make it easier, open a finder window, go to Macintosh HD -> Applications -> Python 3.x folder, in there you will find IDLE.app.

    That’s it!!!

  7. Hi

    I am new to python programming. I am currently using a MAC OS. This question might seem weird but i need some help in starting to code a python file. I have already downloaded the python program on my MAC but I don’t know how to start. Do I need to download anything else before starting to code? Thank you for your help! BTW this is a great website to start learning.
    If it is possible, can you drop me an email at just.chenxu@gmail.com? Thank you!

  8. I enjoy your tutorials, but it could be nice with some challenges after each section so that you make the user go practise what he just learned. 🙂

  9. I am a nurse and no knowledge of programming at all and just have a keen interest in learning basic prog. The tutorial gave me basic idea on how program scripts work. But I need to read through it again to fully comprehend Phython.Thanks

  10. I’ve gone through the Python tutorial once already and thought it was extremely helpful. It was very detailed and explained things that most other tutorial/lesson sources don’t explain very well. I’ll be going through it several more times just to truly comprehend everything. Very good tutorial.

  11. This entire tutorial is great. It is not to complex and can be completed in less than one day. If you take your time and utilize the online code tool you can practice most of the lessons with out the need of any external programs. Thank your great tutorial.

  12. You will see from the Python tutorials that it’s syntax is extremely different that the other two.

    should read
    You will see from the Python tutorials that it’s syntax is extremely different than the other two.

  13. This tutorial is a great introduction to Python, especially for people who just started to learn how to program. My suggestion is to include a lesson on randomizing items, since this can be kind of a complex process. Also a lesson on modules would be great since Python has a lot of nifty modules that can make your life easier.

  14. i like this a lot it helps me understand the basics of python and i am already starting to understand it better thank you for making this tutorial very helpful

  15. A wonderful tutorial for the beginners, funny and covered most important topics. Hope a next version with more detail knowledge points published as soon as possible. 3ks.

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